Why is it recommended to add tomato coconut gravy to vegetables after turning off the flame when cooking?

Why is it recommended to add tomato coconut gravy to vegetables after turning off the flame when cooking?

Adding tomato coconut gravy to vegetables after turning off the flame can serve several purposes:

1. Preservation of Nutrients: Cooking vegetables for an extended period can lead to the loss of nutrients due to heat exposure. By adding the tomato coconut gravy after turning off the flame, you can minimize nutrient loss as the mixture won't be exposed to high heat for an extended time.

2. Texture and Flavor: Adding the gravy after cooking the vegetables allows you to retain the desired texture and flavor of both the vegetables and the gravy. Vegetables may become mushy if cooked in the gravy for too long, so this method helps preserve their texture.

3. Temperature Balance: The residual heat from the cooked vegetables can help warm the tomato coconut gravy without the need for additional cooking. This can bring out the flavors in the gravy without overcooking it.

4. Maintaining Freshness: Adding the gravy after turning off the flame can help maintain the freshness and vibrant colors of the vegetables, making the dish visually appealing.