When do you know bioenzyme is ready?

When do you know bioenzyme is ready?

To determine if your bio enzymes are ready for use, watch for these key indicators:
  1. White Mold Or Layer: A white mold or layer forming on the surface of the bio enzyme is a positive sign. It indicates that the bio enzymes have matured and are suitable for use. This layer may also emit a pleasant fragrance, often resembling a light, fruity or citrusy scent, which is a further indication of readiness.
  2. Settled Peels: At the end of the fermentation period (usually 90 days), the fruit peels and solids should settle at the bottom of the container. This settling is another sign that the bio enzymes are ready.
  3. Fragrance: The presence of a vinegar-like smell, often resembling a light, pleasant scent, can also indicate that the bio enzymes are ready for use. The fragrance is a byproduct of the fermentation process.
  4. Surface Cleaning: When ready , they can be effectively used for cleaning various surfaces.