The smell of the bio-enzyme is quite strong, almost like alcohol or vinegar. Am I doing something wrong to cause this unpleasant odor?

The smell of the bio-enzyme is quite strong, almost like alcohol or vinegar. Am I doing something wrong to cause this unpleasant odor?

Bioenzyme is a product of the fermentation process, where microorganisms like bacteria and yeast break down organic materials. During fermentation, one of the main byproducts produced is acetic acid. This might sound familiar because the same acid gives vinegar its characteristic acidic taste and pungent smell.

As the fermentation process continues, the concentration of acetic acid in the bio enzyme solution increases, contributing to the vinegar-like smell you're detecting. Acetic acid and other byproducts lead to a slightly alcoholic aroma. The good news is that the smell is not harmful and doesn't affect the effectiveness of the bio enzyme in cleaning. It's a sign that the fermentation process works as intended and produces a powerful natural cleaner.

If you find the smell too strong for your liking, there are a couple of things you can do to improve the olfactory experience:
- Dilution: When you dilute the bio enzyme for cleaning, the smell is significantly reduced, making it more pleasant to use.
- Essential Oils: Add a few drops of your favorite essential oils to the bioenzyme solution. Essential oils come in various scents and can help mask the vinegar-like smell with more pleasing aromas. 

Remember, the slightly alcoholic and vinegar-like smell is a testament to the all-natural and eco-friendly nature of bioenzyme, and it's doing wonders for your cleaning routine without any harmful chemicals.