If we live symbiotically in harmony with the cows and ensure that the calves are fed, then what is the harm in having dairy milk?

If we live symbiotically in harmony with the cows and ensure that the calves are fed, then what is the harm in having dairy milk?

We appreciate your perspective and share your concern. However, the debate around cows and dairy is multi-faceted, which is why we lean towards veganism. Beyond the well-being of cows, there are broader implications on human health and our contemporary lifestyle to consider.

1. Many people do see merit in consuming Desi cow's milk. However, we advise against its regular consumption, especially as it can be hard to digest, more so for those leading sedentary lifestyles. Proper digestion of cow's milk demands an extensive physical workout—around 4-5 hours daily—which is unfeasible for most in our fast-paced lives.

2. Further, cow's milk naturally contains growth hormones at levels six times more than what humans need, making it less optimal for our consumption. An additional concern is mucus production: Dairy is known to stimulate excessive mucus in the body, which can be problematic for respiratory health and overall well-being.

3. In modern times, the quest for profit often eclipses ethical considerations. As a result, adulteration is rampant in the dairy industry, prioritizing gains over health. Hence, today's commercially available milk might do more harm than good.