I have switched to your natural shampoo recently, but facing hairfall. What can be the causes for hairfall?

I have switched to your natural shampoo recently, but facing hairfall. What can be the causes for hairfall?

We understand your concern about hair fall and want to assure you that we're here to help. There are many reasons why hair falls out, and we'd like to discuss a few of them here: 

Seasonal Changes: Excessive humidity can cause hair follicles to weaken and shed more. This is frequently a transient issue that should get better as the weather shifts. 

Transition Period: As your scalp adjusts, switching from chemical-based shampoos to all-natural, mild shampoos may occasionally result in a brief increase in hair loss. Usually, this goes away in a few weeks. 

Scalp Type and Product Fit: Everybody has a different type of scalp. It is probable that the bar you are using right now isn't the greatest option for your scalp right now. 

Regarding the bar shampoo, if it hasn't provided the desired benefits, we're happy to offer you store credit to try a different product that may be better suited to your needs.