How to use Stevia Leaf Powder in a dessert without the dish changing into a greenish color?

How to use Stevia Leaf Powder in a dessert without the dish changing into a greenish color?

Stevia leaf powder is a natural, zero-calorie sweetener derived from the Stevia rebaudiana plant. When used in desserts, it can impart a slightly greenish color due to the natural chlorophyll content of the Stevia leaves. However, there are a few tips you can follow to minimize the color change and still enjoy the sweetness of Stevia in your desserts.

  1. Use a small amount of Stevia leaf powder: Stevia is much sweeter than sugar, so you need to use only a small amount of it to sweeten your desserts. Using too much Stevia can intensify the greenish color, so start with a small amount and gradually increase if needed.

  1. Combine Stevia with other sweeteners: To reduce the greenish color, you can use Stevia in combination with other natural sweeteners like jaggery powder. This will not only help to balance the sweetness but also reduce the amount of Stevia needed.

  1. Add natural colorings: To balance the greenish color, you can add natural colorings to your dessert. For example, you can add some cacao powder, beetroot powder, or turmeric powder to mask the greenish color.

  1. Serve in colored dishes: Finally, if you're still concerned about the greenish color, you can serve your dessert in colored dishes. This will help to distract from any slight color change and still allow you to enjoy the sweetness of Stevia.

By following these tips, you can use Stevia leaf powder in your desserts without the dish turning greenish in color.