How to remove saponin from Quinoa?

How to remove saponin from Quinoa?

To remove saponin from Quinoa, follow these steps:
  1. Rinse The Quinoa: Place it in a fine-mesh strainer and rinse it thoroughly under cold, running water. Use your hands to gently rub the grains together, ensuring all surfaces are washed.
  2. Soak The Quinoa (Optional): To reduce the bitter taste, soak the rinsed quinoa in water for 15-30 minutes. This step is optional but helpful, especially if the quinoa is still slightly bitter after rinsing.
  3. Agitate & Rinse Again: After soaking (if you do so), agitate the quinoa with your fingers while rinsing it under cold, running water. Continue rinsing until the water runs clear and there are no traces of saponin foam.
  4. Drain Excess Water: Allow the quinoa to drain in the strainer for a few minutes to remove any excess water.
  5. Dry The Quinoa: Spread the rinsed and drained quinoa on a clean kitchen towel or a dry surface to remove any remaining moisture. Let it air dry for about 10-15 minutes.
These steps should help reduce the saponin content and any potential bitterness in your Quinoa.