How long is the recommended transition period when switching from conventional shampoo to this herbal shampoo?

How long is the recommended transition period when switching from conventional shampoo to this herbal shampoo?

The transition period when switching from conventional shampoo to our Herbal Rosemary Shampoo can vary depending on individual hair type, previous product use, and scalp condition. However, most users experience a normal transition period of 2-4 weeks.

What To Expect

  • Initial Adjustment: During the first few washes, your hair might feel different than usual because conventional shampoos often contain silicones and other harsh chemicals that coat the hair, creating a false sense of smoothness. Our shampoo gently removes this buildup, allowing your hair's natural texture to emerge.

  • Increased Oil Production: You might notice that your scalp produces more oil initially. This is a normal response as your scalp adjusts to not being stripped of its natural oils by harsh detergents.

  • Gradual Improvement: With continued use, your scalp will regulate oil production, and your hair will become healthier, stronger, and more balanced.

Make The Transition Smoother

  • Double Cleansing: Use the shampoo twice during each wash to remove any residue from previous products thoroughly.

  • Regular Conditioning: Follow up with our Herbal Hair Conditioner to provide extra moisture and nourishment.

Remember, patience is key during this transition period. The long-term benefits of using a gentle, natural shampoo far outweigh any temporary adjustments your hair might undergo.