Can you confirm the reason for the residues in your wheatgrass powder? Is it due to improper cleaning?

Can you confirm the reason for the residues in your wheatgrass powder? Is it due to improper cleaning?

There are two main methods for preparing wheatgrass powder. The first method involves preparing and dehydrating wheatgrass juice to create the powder. While this method results in a perfect texture, there is a possibility of losing essential nutrients and fibre.

On the other hand, the second method we use to prepare our wheatgrass powder involves air-drying and milling the wheatgrass. This method helps preserve the essential nutrition of the wheatgrass and results in a more nutrient-rich powder than the first method. Some residues in the powder are not due to improper cleaning but rather because this process includes retaining the fibre content, which is essential for overall health and digestion.

If you find any residues in our wheatgrass powder, you can strain the liquid before consuming it. However, please note that even if any residues are present, our wheatgrass powder's nutrient content remains intact throughout the preparation process.