Can we use stevia in Sharbat ?

Can we use stevia in Sharbat ?

Yes, stevia can indeed be used as a substitute for sugar in sharbat, providing a natural and low-calorie option. When using stevia in your sharbat recipe, it is important to keep in mind that its sweetness intensity is much higher than that of sugar which may give a bitter aftertaste. Hence, starting with a smaller quantity and gradually increasing it according to your taste preference is recommended.

To begin, we suggest adding a small amount of stevia to your sharbat recipe and a small amount of jaggery powder. This will help you adjust to the taste gradually and find the right balance for your palate. As you become accustomed to the taste of stevia, you can decrease the amount of jaggery powder and increase the quantity of stevia accordingly. This gradual transition will allow you to enjoy stevia's natural sweetness while still maintaining your sharbat's desired flavor profile.

We hope this information helps you incorporate stevia successfully into your sharbat recipe.