Can I substitute wheatgrass juice for ash gourd juice, given the challenge of sourcing ash gourd in my location?

Can I substitute wheatgrass juice for ash gourd juice, given the challenge of sourcing ash gourd in my location?

If you're unable to access Ash gourd, alternatives like coconut water or any fresh vegetable or green juice can be equally beneficial.

When it comes to wheatgrass juice, freshly juiced wheatgrass is the ideal choice. If its feasible, you can cultivate it at home and extract the juice. Resort to powdered wheatgrass only if fresh options are not feasible for you.

To make it easier for you:

2. Considering growing your own? Our Complete Wheatgrass Growing DIY Kit simplifies the journey for you.

3. For an in-depth guide on cultivation, delve into our blog post: How to Grow Wheatgrass at Home: 

4. Additionally, our video tutorial on Wheatgrass, available on the Satopradhan YouTube Channel, offers comprehensive guidance